EA Launch Program
Based on the latest business change research, the EA Launch program is designed to introduce and successfully implement the ErgoAnalyst system across the business, helping fast track results. Compiled into four modules - Engage, Educate, Audit and Solve - that complement and build upon one another, the EA Launch program can be implemented as a whole or staged as required.

Participative Ergonomics
ErgoAnalyst is underpinned by the principles of participative ergonomics.
Participative ergonomics is a process that reduces the risk of injury and maximises productivity in the workplace via active collaboration between operational, managerial and WH&S staff in a standardised process. This collaborative process harnesses the knowledge in the workplace and actively engages workers, managers and health specialists to produce effective solutions that achieve best practice in workplace design and processes.
Note: Traditional manual handling courses that focus on lifting techniques do not reduce the risk of injury in the workplace.
Contact us today for the most effective ways to implement this system.
The six-step ErgoAnalyst process
The ErgoAnalyst system provides the framework for effective injury risk management across the business from training, identification, assessment and control to predictive analysis to reporting on returns on investment and productivity improvements.
Easy, engaging and effective, the ErgoAnalyst system – software, training, resources and launch program - supports management and staff through this process, empowering teams and facilitating long-term reduction in injury risks from manual handling.
For further support and industry collaboration, members have free access to the growing ‘ErgoAnalyst Snapshots’ database of existing solutions already developed by leading organisations using ErgoAnalyst.

Other ErgoAnalyst Services
Ergonomic consultation
Including risk assessments audits and job profiling plus recommendations to reduce or eliminate injury risks associated with manual handling.
Education and seminars
Comprehensive training and practical workshops on participative ergonomics, risk reduction and elimination, latest research and industry trends.
Workshop facilitation
Mediating and leading the participative ergonomics process to deliver effective and productive outcomes
Project management
Including independent consultation with manufacturers
Undertaking and presenting latest research in the field of ergonomics
To industry, staff and management groups on all topics associated with reducing and eliminating musculoskeletal injuries, workplace ergonomics and occupational health.
Expert witness legal consultation
Extensive experiance analysing workplace incidences, compliance obligations and risk reduction strategies and deliverying courst documents.